A smart combination for environment and economy


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Take full advantage of the benefits of our consortium. Become a member of our network and help to design a more sustainable transport system.

CombiNet is a centre for excellence in combined transport

CombiNet is organised as a association founded in 2007 by various entrepreneurs from all areas of combined transport (hauliers, forwarders, CT operators, terminals, ports, railway companies, makers of handling devices and equipment, etc.).

CombiNet was born out of need to implement stronger initiatives for combined transport in in practice. The fundamental idea of creating a network for the benefit of combined transport is based on the long-standing work of former Verkehrsplanung Käfer GmbH, now TRAFFIX Verkehrsplanung GmbH in the sector. With ITCnet – Trading & Consulting GmbH an additional partner was taken on board to implement this idea which was ultimately supported by the BMVIT (start-up financing).

Since May 18, 2022 CombiNet is lead by the board members Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Käfer (chairman), Mag. Nikolaus Hirnschall (deputy chairman), Otto Hawlicek (secretary), Monika Gindl-Muzik and Alexander Till. Erich Possegger has taken over the task of treasurer.

  • neutral, active representation of interests
  • support of members via networking
  • economic value due to synergies
  • information from media, economy and public
  • improved conditions for CT
  • information pool for members
  • centre of excellence for combined transport
  • support and consultation for projects
  • overview of current subsidies
  • intitative for further training courses


Not a member of CombiNet yet? Get into touch with us and we will happily advise and support you.

Contact: contact@combinet.at